The Pickleball Training Landscape

Stabilize Your Wrist
A floppy wrist is the number one source for inconsistency. With a hard ball hitting a hard paddle, a steady wrist and proper wrist angle is the key to consistency and utilizing proper footwork. The Pickleball GameChanger will train your brain and your muscles to master this technique.
Grip Pressure
Light grip pressure is the key to control. Whether at the baseline or Non-Volley Zone, light grip pressure will give you the confidence to hit those shots strategically and on target. The patent pending design helps accomplish this feat.
Spin and Trajectory
The Pickleball GameChanger allows you to replicate proper wrist angle which allows you to control spin and trajectory. It also helps isolate forearm rotation which is the key to hitting point-winning topspin shots from both the forehand and backhand sides.